Peres Bulldogs on Broadway - Show Bulldogs


Mike & Michelle Peres


Peres Bulldogs on Broadway

Show Bulldogs

Mystyle Union Jack

We are so very proud of Aphrodite; in her first six weekends at show she has gone WB for a 4 point Specialty Major, Best In Sweepstakes, & two Best Of Opposite Sex In Sweepstakes at Specialty Shows. Aphrodite has also gone RWB & two back to back WB in one weekend. Aphrodite has both her majors and is just a few points away from completing her requirements for her AKC Championship with limited showing. Aphrodite has also gone BOB over Specials and a Group Second in Non-Sporting Group coming out of the classes!

Aphrodite completed her requirements for her AKC Championship at the shows 4th of July weekend 2014 in Sadalia, MO by going WB & BOS on Friday, WB, BW & BOB over Specials on Saturday and WB & BOS on Sunday! Aphrodite is loving the show ring and it shows every time she steps into the ring!

Aphrodite is enjoying Retirement now.

Pedigree CH Peres In The Mood

CH Banta's Royal Creed At Peres

CH Peres Strawberry Fields

Multi CH, Eng. CH Ocobo Freddy Mystyle

Am. CH Admireabull Cherry Blossom

Quidnunc's Golden Boy Mugsy

Quidnunc's Lucy In The Sky

Ocobo Golden Icon Mystyle

Dandant Cologne Ocobo

Ocobo Flagship Mystyle

Admireabull Sweet Pea

Aryton Senna San Simon Bulls

Quidnunc's Turtle Dove

Am. CH Quidnunc's Diesel 590 SM

Boogie's Bootylicious



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Mike & Michelle Peres
